Friday, August 1, 2008

I know, I know, I'm slacking again!!!!

So the last 6 weeks have been the busiest weeks of my entire year so far. Let me fill you in. I just got done with the most time consuming class of my masters program-Dependency and Addictions. It wasn't that the content was hard...we just had a lot of homework. We had two assignments due each week plus about 150 pages of reading each week. I learned a lot in the class but I am sure glad it's over. Two more classes left and then it will be time to start my internship!!!! I can't wait!!!!

So in the middle of my addictions class we took a vacation to Brian Head (southern Utah) the week of the 4th. For those of you who don't know Brain Head is a ski resort in Southern Utah close to Cedar City. Why go to a ski resort in the summer? For the fireworks of course! They had the most awesome fireworks display I have ever seen! (Erin- you guys will have to take the kids next year.) It was good to see my brother and his family and spend some time with my folks and my Grandma. My brother drove up from Arizona and my parents and grandma flew into Vegas and drove up. It was so fun! My parents were kind enough to watch the kids one day for us so Robert and I could go to Zion's National Park for some hiking. Zions was gorgeous and we had a blast hiking. On the way back down from the cliff it started to pour down rain. We got absolutely soaked! I wish we would have stopped someone to take our picture. I'm sure we looked like drowned rats. It was so much fun!!!

After our trip to Brain Head we had to return to real life. Robert took off for basically two weeks for a couple of business trips while I played the single parent and tried to catch up on some hours at work. Micah had swim lessons at that time too (which he loved). Also during the last six weeks I have been busy trying to get our yard done. Who knew that trying to hire someone to put in a sprinkling system and plant some grass would be so difficult! The phone had to be surgically removed from my head by the time it was over.

Now things have slowed back down to a somewhat normal speed just in time for me to get Micah ready for kindergarten in about three weeks. Where has the summer gone?? I didn't get near the things done I wanted to this summer. Oh well, such is life! Enjoy some pictures from our trip.

My nieces and my kids enjoying the 4th of July parade in Parawon.

Robert and I attempting to take our picture at Zion's (before it rained).

The beautiful Golden Columbines in Zions. We saw white Columbines at Cedar Breaks.

Zion's just before the storm.

Zion's after the storm.

Cedar Breaks at sunset.