Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Tis' the season

I put up the Christmas tree the day after Thanksgiving. The kids "helped." I think the ornaments have been rearranged several times already. I tried to take there picture next to the tree today. I didn't have much luck. They kept jumping up and down and pulling off the ornaments. I finally threatened them with a time out (after about 15 minutes) if they woudn't hold still. Well, you'll see what I got. (It's the last picture of the bunch.)

Christmas Card Picture???

Forgot the flash.
Jumping up and down.
Gangster Christmas?
Finally got them to hold still but they gave me those fake cheesy grins. I give up! No Christmas card picture this year.

We had out first snow yesterday. By the time I got around to finding the camera the snow in the front yard had melted. These pictures are out our back door. The kids were so excited to see it snow!

Friday, November 23, 2007

Micah's New Drink

Here Micah's new invention in beverages. Salsa Sipping

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Anthony's Big Rig

Robert's brother Anthony recently got is CDL and is hauling milk for a company. He finally got his own truck and had to come show it off to the kids after he got off work one night. He took us for a drive around the block. The kids were in 7th heaven! Robert is just as enamored as the kids are. (It must be a guy thing.)

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Early Christmas

When my parents were out visiting, they bought the kids this easel for Christmas. I was suppose to save it and give it to them then but I decided they needed it early. They were fighting over a little dry erase board I had on the fridge so I thought this easel might be the solution to the fighting. One side is a dry erase board and the other side is a chalk board. There is also a roll of paper that can be pulled up through the middle of the two boards.

The new me

I got my hair cut recently and got new glasses. Micah took these pictures so they aren't the best but they give you a good idea of my new look. By the way, I don't wear the glasses all the time. They are only for distance.


Micah and Ellie had a blast on Halloween. As you can see Micah was a Fireman and Ellie was a lamb. I made the lamb costume for Ellie last year. It was the only thing I could get her to put on that night. By the fourth house Ellie had "Trick or Treat" down! They got so much candy. Micah asked me the next day if they could go trick or treating again that night.

Finished House

Here's the front of the house all done!